Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Military Base

Ok, I had this dream last night, but ran out of time before I could post it.  In this dream I was living somewhere in a small town in or near the desert.  Somehow, I discovered that there was a secret signal being transmitted through the tv cable or somewhere on the internet.  I am not sure which, but I was able to decode it with the help from my friends and jury rigging a xbox 360 to the computer/tv.  The picture showed a person on a security camera doing what appeared to be random tests.  Going from one machine or gadget to the next solving problems.  Me and my companions figured out were the signal originated and drove down the desert highway till we came to what looked like an abandoned military base. 

We entered the main building and found the man in the picture working on some machines.  He seemed surprised to see us and we asked him what he was doing here.  He told us that he came to the military base about 20 or 30 years ago with some other volunteers to do some experiments.  The people told them that they were to stay here and do some experiments on the machines lying around.  They would each be called one at a time to do one final test and then be set free.  The man said that each person was called one at a time until they reached him.  Then nobody called him and he has waited, doing experiments ever since.  After he told us this, we somehow(can't remember how), figured out that the final experiment was to see how long the man would stay before he would give up and leave.  I can't remember if we told him or not, but I remember that when me and my friends tried to leave, the military security system activated and the doors/windows closed down around us locking us in.  The man said that we were detected as new test subjects and that the defense system would not let us go until the test were over.  I can't remember much after that except I do know we escaped somehow at the end.


  1. Kind of damned if you do, damned if you don't, ain't it?

  2. That is true. At least it wasn't something like pushing a button every 12 hours like in lost.
