Sunday, August 15, 2010

Copy from Facebook dream 3

Last nights Dream: This is a bit like Battle Royal for those who watch Japanese movies, Ok, tom cruise (about 19 ish in dream) and about 4 other students have the lowest grades in college/HS(hs/uni is merged), those with the lowest grade are implanted with a GPS and forced in a game where they are hunted by other students on campus, they have to fight back, and survive.  If they survive long enough, or get rid of enough other students they win a ton of money, if someone kills them, then that person gets the money. So they are running around trying to survive, fighting the other students, its got a horror vibe too it. They lose 2 out of the 5 and is now down to 3, finally Tom Cruise gets a knife and cuts out the gps and tells the others to do the same. The others ask if thats against the rules, tom says the only rule is to win no matter what.  They go into the guard station (who are giving directions to the other students on where the GPS signal is), they kill the guards and with that they easily win the game. Then the dream jumps ahead a few years(epilogue?), tom cruise is driving an expensive sports car and stops at a little place by the road (a cafe), he gets out and meets with one of the survivors and have dinner with them (The end), and that concludes another movie from ben's internal theater, thank you for watching.

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