Sunday, August 22, 2010

2 Layer Dream Inception Style?

Ok, this dream happened about about the time I made this blog, I just now have time to post it.  In this dream I am in my home town, except I live on a stretch of road near the local college.  I have a large part of land, and my neighbor has the other part.  My neighbor in my dream grows these trees that produce a fruit that is roughly shaped like a big apple, but is bigger, yellow, and taste like bananas.  My neighbor comes over and complains that the guy who is cutting my grass is destroying the fruit that lands on the ground.  I tell him that, it is the university that is telling the lawn guy to do that, and that the university is leasing him from the local grocery store.   So I drive down town and I see Jennifer Aniston (Rachel on Friends), pushing a stroller across the road as I drive up.  I (we?  I think there was other people), go in the store and I look around.  *it gets fuzzy at this moment all I know next is that I am in front of a machine in a building*, So, I am in front of a machine with metal cylinders that are open up to let people get in and sleep.  The machine will let you have a shared dream and view memories together (yes, I just watched inception a couple of days ago so I guess this is where the dream idea came from).  We all enter the machine (including Jennifer Aniston), except one of my friends who decided to stay awake (irony, I know).

So, in the dream within a dream, we are standing on a crossroad.  cars start coming from one way and we get in.  We drive for a while viewing the sites (I don't remember most of this part), but we are suddenly in front of a building.  We go in and we see what appears to be the cylinders dream machine we slept in, are before us.  Along with my friend who didn't come with us.  My dream of a dream friend opens the cylinder, but it doesn't open to a bed.  Instead it opens into a room where we can view memories(think of going into a holodeck in star trek), when the cylinder opens we see Jennifer Aniston's memory of when she was on a reality show/drama.  She looks very young (say late teens or early twenties) and is arguing with one of the other members of her cast.  It is before she had the kid(in my dream), she is wearing this hot outfit, its hard to describe, it is open from the stomach up, and the sides come up to just barely cover the breasts.  She has a tattoo on her front which looks pretty cool(covers a lot of the front skin).  The Aniston that is watching this is disturbed by what she is watching and I think we leave.  We view some other peoples memories and step out.  At the end right before we decide to *wake up*, Dream me relized he was in a dream and could do whatever he wanted.

So, suddenly we are back at the crossroads again and things start over, except dream me willed the cars to be new sports cars and they were.  Everyone seems to be having a fun time suddenly realizing they could do stuff in the *dream*.  Its kind of fuzzy at this point, but I do remember that one of the *dream* buildings tried to eat us but we escaped.  That is all I can remember before I really woke up (or am I still dreaming?!?!)

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