Sunday, August 15, 2010

Copy from Facebook dream 4

Here is another episode from bens internal movie theater. Tonight In my dream, my perspective kept changing, at first I was watching a slightly older guy who is giving this surfer dude vibe was walking around a modern town that had this kind of gothic/dark feel (gothic structures with gargoyle statues..etc) going for it.... Anyway, this person goes into a building, where a woman (a friend?) who is complaining (about a haunting?) incident happening. He sits down and the woman leaves, all of a suddenly he is either shifted dimensions or traveled astrally, either way the room shifts to a slightly different hue and in the room is a floating skull. The guy calmly looks at the skull and says “Whats up dude?” and gives it a high five (using the skull itself for the hand), when the hand touched, the skull sunk in to his hand and the person/skull mentally merged as one person for a moment, thinking as one/shared. When this happened I laterally saw a page pop in their thoughts with a questionnaire split between the dude and the skull, with the dudes info on the left and the skull on the right and comments about the questionnaire (in a unified voice of both) being answered in the middle.

For example, the first question was the name of both, I don’t remember the guys name but the skull’s name is PREZ (all caps) , There was about 10 to 12 questions which varied between standard and bizarre. The only other question I remember good was one about genetic history, I remember in the shared comment section were they replied “we both have a rare vertebrae condition in our bones”(don’t ask, don’t know), this happened during the time the hand passed through the skull, when the hand passed out the dude and the skull were mentally separate again. The dude freaks out at what just happened and runs out of the house (popping back into his dimension). Ok, this is where the perspective changes to another person who I THINK is me, kind of fuzzy so not sure Anyway, for whatever reason I track down the dude and tell him that he is unique like me(apparently I can do the dimension/ghost thing too) and we need to help people out who have things (supernatural like ghosts I guess) that regular people are not equip to deal with. I convince him to return back to the place where the ghost was so we could take care of it and as we walk up the stairs to confront the ghost…I wake up. *fin*

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