Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A note about zombies in my dreams

I have had quite a few dreams featuring zombies.  This probably has to do with the fact I am a horror movie buff and love zombie movies.  I rarely get scared in dreams in which I am being chased by zombies(or other horror like elements), and actually have a bit of adrenaline rush when I wake up because its like living in a movie.  The dream usually fall into, I am being chased by zombies, the locations is different, once I was being chased by zombies in a city and I was running for my life, another time it was in a mall with some people and we had guns fighting them off, finally another where I am running in a alleyway and they were coming.  Regardless, it was a fun experiences (after I wake up of course), and wonder when I will dream of them again.

Zombies and a motorcycle

Not much to remember, I just remember that the world was overrun with zombies, I had left a city to find a motorcycle that belonged to one of the survivors that was hiding in a building in a city.  I can't remember why, but I ran into a barn (In a town some distance from the city) and found the motorcycle in the rafters.  I went into the rafters as zombies came in, and luckily avoided being captured.  I know I had a plan to escape the rafters, and somehow get back to the city, but I can't remember how I was going to do it.  Anyway, a short dream but I will take what I can get.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Military Base

Ok, I had this dream last night, but ran out of time before I could post it.  In this dream I was living somewhere in a small town in or near the desert.  Somehow, I discovered that there was a secret signal being transmitted through the tv cable or somewhere on the internet.  I am not sure which, but I was able to decode it with the help from my friends and jury rigging a xbox 360 to the computer/tv.  The picture showed a person on a security camera doing what appeared to be random tests.  Going from one machine or gadget to the next solving problems.  Me and my companions figured out were the signal originated and drove down the desert highway till we came to what looked like an abandoned military base. 

We entered the main building and found the man in the picture working on some machines.  He seemed surprised to see us and we asked him what he was doing here.  He told us that he came to the military base about 20 or 30 years ago with some other volunteers to do some experiments.  The people told them that they were to stay here and do some experiments on the machines lying around.  They would each be called one at a time to do one final test and then be set free.  The man said that each person was called one at a time until they reached him.  Then nobody called him and he has waited, doing experiments ever since.  After he told us this, we somehow(can't remember how), figured out that the final experiment was to see how long the man would stay before he would give up and leave.  I can't remember if we told him or not, but I remember that when me and my friends tried to leave, the military security system activated and the doors/windows closed down around us locking us in.  The man said that we were detected as new test subjects and that the defense system would not let us go until the test were over.  I can't remember much after that except I do know we escaped somehow at the end.

2 Layer Dream Inception Style?

Ok, this dream happened about about the time I made this blog, I just now have time to post it.  In this dream I am in my home town, except I live on a stretch of road near the local college.  I have a large part of land, and my neighbor has the other part.  My neighbor in my dream grows these trees that produce a fruit that is roughly shaped like a big apple, but is bigger, yellow, and taste like bananas.  My neighbor comes over and complains that the guy who is cutting my grass is destroying the fruit that lands on the ground.  I tell him that, it is the university that is telling the lawn guy to do that, and that the university is leasing him from the local grocery store.   So I drive down town and I see Jennifer Aniston (Rachel on Friends), pushing a stroller across the road as I drive up.  I (we?  I think there was other people), go in the store and I look around.  *it gets fuzzy at this moment all I know next is that I am in front of a machine in a building*, So, I am in front of a machine with metal cylinders that are open up to let people get in and sleep.  The machine will let you have a shared dream and view memories together (yes, I just watched inception a couple of days ago so I guess this is where the dream idea came from).  We all enter the machine (including Jennifer Aniston), except one of my friends who decided to stay awake (irony, I know).

So, in the dream within a dream, we are standing on a crossroad.  cars start coming from one way and we get in.  We drive for a while viewing the sites (I don't remember most of this part), but we are suddenly in front of a building.  We go in and we see what appears to be the cylinders dream machine we slept in, are before us.  Along with my friend who didn't come with us.  My dream of a dream friend opens the cylinder, but it doesn't open to a bed.  Instead it opens into a room where we can view memories(think of going into a holodeck in star trek), when the cylinder opens we see Jennifer Aniston's memory of when she was on a reality show/drama.  She looks very young (say late teens or early twenties) and is arguing with one of the other members of her cast.  It is before she had the kid(in my dream), she is wearing this hot outfit, its hard to describe, it is open from the stomach up, and the sides come up to just barely cover the breasts.  She has a tattoo on her front which looks pretty cool(covers a lot of the front skin).  The Aniston that is watching this is disturbed by what she is watching and I think we leave.  We view some other peoples memories and step out.  At the end right before we decide to *wake up*, Dream me relized he was in a dream and could do whatever he wanted.

So, suddenly we are back at the crossroads again and things start over, except dream me willed the cars to be new sports cars and they were.  Everyone seems to be having a fun time suddenly realizing they could do stuff in the *dream*.  Its kind of fuzzy at this point, but I do remember that one of the *dream* buildings tried to eat us but we escaped.  That is all I can remember before I really woke up (or am I still dreaming?!?!)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Copy from Facebook dream 4

Here is another episode from bens internal movie theater. Tonight In my dream, my perspective kept changing, at first I was watching a slightly older guy who is giving this surfer dude vibe was walking around a modern town that had this kind of gothic/dark feel (gothic structures with gargoyle statues..etc) going for it.... Anyway, this person goes into a building, where a woman (a friend?) who is complaining (about a haunting?) incident happening. He sits down and the woman leaves, all of a suddenly he is either shifted dimensions or traveled astrally, either way the room shifts to a slightly different hue and in the room is a floating skull. The guy calmly looks at the skull and says “Whats up dude?” and gives it a high five (using the skull itself for the hand), when the hand touched, the skull sunk in to his hand and the person/skull mentally merged as one person for a moment, thinking as one/shared. When this happened I laterally saw a page pop in their thoughts with a questionnaire split between the dude and the skull, with the dudes info on the left and the skull on the right and comments about the questionnaire (in a unified voice of both) being answered in the middle.

For example, the first question was the name of both, I don’t remember the guys name but the skull’s name is PREZ (all caps) , There was about 10 to 12 questions which varied between standard and bizarre. The only other question I remember good was one about genetic history, I remember in the shared comment section were they replied “we both have a rare vertebrae condition in our bones”(don’t ask, don’t know), this happened during the time the hand passed through the skull, when the hand passed out the dude and the skull were mentally separate again. The dude freaks out at what just happened and runs out of the house (popping back into his dimension). Ok, this is where the perspective changes to another person who I THINK is me, kind of fuzzy so not sure Anyway, for whatever reason I track down the dude and tell him that he is unique like me(apparently I can do the dimension/ghost thing too) and we need to help people out who have things (supernatural like ghosts I guess) that regular people are not equip to deal with. I convince him to return back to the place where the ghost was so we could take care of it and as we walk up the stairs to confront the ghost…I wake up. *fin*

Copy from Facebook dream 3

Last nights Dream: This is a bit like Battle Royal for those who watch Japanese movies, Ok, tom cruise (about 19 ish in dream) and about 4 other students have the lowest grades in college/HS(hs/uni is merged), those with the lowest grade are implanted with a GPS and forced in a game where they are hunted by other students on campus, they have to fight back, and survive.  If they survive long enough, or get rid of enough other students they win a ton of money, if someone kills them, then that person gets the money. So they are running around trying to survive, fighting the other students, its got a horror vibe too it. They lose 2 out of the 5 and is now down to 3, finally Tom Cruise gets a knife and cuts out the gps and tells the others to do the same. The others ask if thats against the rules, tom says the only rule is to win no matter what.  They go into the guard station (who are giving directions to the other students on where the GPS signal is), they kill the guards and with that they easily win the game. Then the dream jumps ahead a few years(epilogue?), tom cruise is driving an expensive sports car and stops at a little place by the road (a cafe), he gets out and meets with one of the survivors and have dinner with them (The end), and that concludes another movie from ben's internal theater, thank you for watching.

Copy from Facebook dream 2

Had a dream last night were I traveled back in time (80's) and was driving a weird vehicle(from the future), the front/driving half was open like a convertible and the back half was sort of like a limo. I met up with Ozzy Osbourne and we hung out. He was so impressed with my vehicle, he bought a similar one, but was ...older model than what I was driving. And this concludes another episode from Ben's internal movies.

Copy from Facebook dream 1

Had a dream I was climbing up the side of a tall residential red brick building(kind with the fire escape on the side, might have been in New York), at night, with friends(nobody I know irl, I just knew they were friends), while carrying a cat, once up top we built and launched model rockets into the sky.

Copy and Paste

I will copy some dreams I posted on my Facebook account when I have time.

Under Construction

Nothing is on here YET.  I thought I would create a dream blog/journal when I have a chance.  Since time is limited, this will be a work in progress and is mostly just for my own amusement.  However, this is open to anyone and I hope you enjoy the alternative lives I live in my dreams.