Sunday, March 17, 2013

School sale and sad days.

Ok, so in this dream, I am just a kid, not even near a teenager.  I am hanging with some other kids and we are just walking around the campus.  Apparently we live on the campus/school, it has really nice looking lawns, and the buildings are tall with multiopen walkways and wide open windows.  Kind of like the opening of a parking garage at a hospital.  It had a nice view, in the lawn are these tall statues of lion headed people reaching up to the sky and school, ringed around the school.  They look cartoonish and friendly designed.  Anyway, one of the kids was younger than the rest.  we kind of were big brothers/sisters to him, let him hang around with us and we watched out for him.  We came to the principles(?) office and went in.  The principle was with an older (Japanese?) man and woman (wife? secretary?) and the principle said (in a sad way) to be nice and show respect, the man was going to buy out the school.  The person said something in Japanese(?) which meant he looked forward to helping us learn or something like that, kind of hazy.  Anyway, later we run into the older man again sitting down in the lounge(?), we walk by and as I am walking by pushing the cart with the youngest kid.  The guy said jokingly in English "you do not even care about showing me any respect do you?"  As I walked by, I said "NEIN!" (German word for "NO").  He laughed, but then the youngest kid in the cart seem to get excited and said something in Japanese(?) and said something like "your from my home", which meant he was from the same country.  At that moment, I knew the kid was an orphan and this was the first time he met someone from his homeland.  This seemed to sadden the older gentleman.  (gets hazy at this point), jump ahead and me and the other kids are walking along the campus, passing by the statues.  At this point, my perspective stays with the statues as I and the other kids walk away in the distance.  Once past, one of the statues says in a sad voice "(can't remember, it was the kids name) found his home" and turns his head looking at where the kids went, then the other statues all repeat the same thing in their sad voice and turn their heads following the kids...and then I wake up.

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