Saturday, February 12, 2011

Many Worlds (oops, aparently this was stuck in draft and never posted, I humbly apologize.)

In this dream I was working in a assembly line(not sure what it was making), I chat with some friends and then step outside.  I am in a small city/town like area, above the factory is an advertisement for a watch that can travel to parallel worlds.  Its kind of fuzzy how I got the watch, but regardless, I get it.  Its got both, mechanical and digital display on it.  Slightly bigger than a regular watch, with buttons on the side.  The mechancial display is a regular watch as far as I can tell, but the digital display lets you know what universe you are in.  with a number that is for big jumps, and decimal numbers for fine tuning smaller jumps.  I start pressing the button and the world alters, not in a big way, but slight details, the billboard is different, people are dressed differently, personalities are slightly different, etc.   I am surprised so I start pressing the button again and again, the changes are mostly subtle with the occasional big change in between.  People would change styles and clothes, buildings would mostly just change color, but then everything would be gone and I would be standing on a untouched land, then I would find I am back in another city similiar to the one I started with but it could be grittier and cleaner.  It was a fun dream and I was sad I woke up.

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