Saturday, February 12, 2011

Trapped in a girls body and fighting myself...wait...WHAT?!?!

I know why this dream happened, because I said something jokingly like "so I can mark being a girl off my list"  Or something like that before I went to bed.  Anyway, in my dream I am somewhere between 13/15 and I am getting off a train in India(?), there is sitting steps where about a dozen people are sitting, sleeping or cooking.  I walk over to one of the steps and sit down.  I *Think* I am in India to learn to fight and see the world.   I soon run into a kid, It is either someone I know or just met.  The kid is a boy about 9 years old, besides that I can't give details except I think he was a local in India.  We are/become friends who chat and hang out.  Then later he starts acting weird, looks confused and a bit zombie like in the glazed look.  Later, he comes up, looks like he is in control but, there is something off about him.  Something dark in his attitude, he asks me to follow him and I do, we go to an abandon place, and he says something I cant make out(something like "I will make you pay" or something like that).  He attacks me doing some crazy kung fu like fighting, but I am no pushover and defeat him.  Sadly, I am not sure what happened next(its a bit hazzy).  I *Think*, he came back to his old self and we went to a wise old person who explained that people have good an evil in them.  *I know this part, and kind of interpreting/simplifying what I know from the dream* Goodness/positive is usually tied to our spirit and is carried with us when we die, the evil/dark parts of us is shed off and and left with the body(which is where its usually associated with).  For some reason, the world is shifting and the darkness/evil is starting to emerge and overtake the goodness in people.  To some, it looks like a split personality, but its the darkness within manifesting and suppressing the goodness.  People who have a lot of issues, stress, negative emotions or problems they are suppressing are more likely to be susceptible to the dark half taking over.  While those with a disciplined mine can keep themselves from being taken over.  If the darkness takes over too long, the part of themselves that is good will be devoured by the darkness.

So, after that, I get on a train and head back to home(not sure where home is), I end up meeting a girl (my age in dream) whom I know and is a friend/rival at where we go to school.    The first thing she does is attack me in a friendly fight.  I defeat her and we hang out for a while.  Its a bit fuzzy what happened next, but something happened where we ended up switched bodies during a sparring fight.  I am in her body and she is in mine.  Unfortunately, my dark half (still in my body) awakens then and suppresses her and fights me.  (my dark half in the dream is sadistic/psycho/ and really, really, really hates me) I nearly get beaten to a pulp, but the other me stops when he realizes that he is getting wounded when he attacks me and that I am somehow still linked to my body in some way.  So if he kills me, he dies also.  He is angry at this, but decides to back off for now.

So far, I am now stuck in a girls body, and decide the best course of action is to pretend I am her for the time being, since nobody would believe me if I told them what happened.  When I went to school, I had to suffer through classes designed for girls/ladies.  I remember this one moment where the teacher was saying "no! NO! NO!!  You will never be a good wife(bride?) if you do not act more feminine!", I think my dream self shuddered at the thought.  Later, after class I go to a party with some other students and mingle.  I run into a girl that apparently is friends with the girl I am inhabited(aparently the girl I am inhabiting is very popular, since everyone uses - sama at the end of her title).  She is with another friend who is dazed/zoned out and which I recognize the signs that she is about to be taken over by her dark self.  I follow her outside and she walks in the middle of a intersection.  I jump out to save her, at the same time some dude(who is standing near a motorcycle and a dog) jumps out to save her too.   we both get to her at the same time and she comes back to herself, relizing what she was doing.  She apologizes and walks off.  I walk over to the motorcycle and aparently interested in them.  It was very sleek and futuristic looking.  The dude walks over and said something like "you interested in bikes", I look at the motorcycle and say something very technical motorcycle oriented, which caught the guy off guard since he showed surprise that I would know something like that.  The dream jumps ahead and when I get home, I find a leter waiting for me.  In it, in writing, its from my dark self, it says something like, "I am almost free from you, I have taken 8 of the 12 *cant remember this part, I THINK it was statues* statues,  well, technically 7 since the 8th is being delivered, once I have all 12 I will be free.  I thought I would visit you, but decided to wait till I got all 12.  Will see you soon".  I instantly know that the 12 statues will seperate us if he collects them all, and if I don't stop him soon, my friends soul/spirit will be consumed by him and I will be trapped in this girls body (assuming he doesn't kill me first)./

Sadly, at this point my alarm went off and I woke up.

Many Worlds (oops, aparently this was stuck in draft and never posted, I humbly apologize.)

In this dream I was working in a assembly line(not sure what it was making), I chat with some friends and then step outside.  I am in a small city/town like area, above the factory is an advertisement for a watch that can travel to parallel worlds.  Its kind of fuzzy how I got the watch, but regardless, I get it.  Its got both, mechanical and digital display on it.  Slightly bigger than a regular watch, with buttons on the side.  The mechancial display is a regular watch as far as I can tell, but the digital display lets you know what universe you are in.  with a number that is for big jumps, and decimal numbers for fine tuning smaller jumps.  I start pressing the button and the world alters, not in a big way, but slight details, the billboard is different, people are dressed differently, personalities are slightly different, etc.   I am surprised so I start pressing the button again and again, the changes are mostly subtle with the occasional big change in between.  People would change styles and clothes, buildings would mostly just change color, but then everything would be gone and I would be standing on a untouched land, then I would find I am back in another city similiar to the one I started with but it could be grittier and cleaner.  It was a fun dream and I was sad I woke up.