Sunday, March 17, 2013

School sale and sad days.

Ok, so in this dream, I am just a kid, not even near a teenager.  I am hanging with some other kids and we are just walking around the campus.  Apparently we live on the campus/school, it has really nice looking lawns, and the buildings are tall with multiopen walkways and wide open windows.  Kind of like the opening of a parking garage at a hospital.  It had a nice view, in the lawn are these tall statues of lion headed people reaching up to the sky and school, ringed around the school.  They look cartoonish and friendly designed.  Anyway, one of the kids was younger than the rest.  we kind of were big brothers/sisters to him, let him hang around with us and we watched out for him.  We came to the principles(?) office and went in.  The principle was with an older (Japanese?) man and woman (wife? secretary?) and the principle said (in a sad way) to be nice and show respect, the man was going to buy out the school.  The person said something in Japanese(?) which meant he looked forward to helping us learn or something like that, kind of hazy.  Anyway, later we run into the older man again sitting down in the lounge(?), we walk by and as I am walking by pushing the cart with the youngest kid.  The guy said jokingly in English "you do not even care about showing me any respect do you?"  As I walked by, I said "NEIN!" (German word for "NO").  He laughed, but then the youngest kid in the cart seem to get excited and said something in Japanese(?) and said something like "your from my home", which meant he was from the same country.  At that moment, I knew the kid was an orphan and this was the first time he met someone from his homeland.  This seemed to sadden the older gentleman.  (gets hazy at this point), jump ahead and me and the other kids are walking along the campus, passing by the statues.  At this point, my perspective stays with the statues as I and the other kids walk away in the distance.  Once past, one of the statues says in a sad voice "(can't remember, it was the kids name) found his home" and turns his head looking at where the kids went, then the other statues all repeat the same thing in their sad voice and turn their heads following the kids...and then I wake up.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Trapped in a girls body and fighting myself...wait...WHAT?!?!

I know why this dream happened, because I said something jokingly like "so I can mark being a girl off my list"  Or something like that before I went to bed.  Anyway, in my dream I am somewhere between 13/15 and I am getting off a train in India(?), there is sitting steps where about a dozen people are sitting, sleeping or cooking.  I walk over to one of the steps and sit down.  I *Think* I am in India to learn to fight and see the world.   I soon run into a kid, It is either someone I know or just met.  The kid is a boy about 9 years old, besides that I can't give details except I think he was a local in India.  We are/become friends who chat and hang out.  Then later he starts acting weird, looks confused and a bit zombie like in the glazed look.  Later, he comes up, looks like he is in control but, there is something off about him.  Something dark in his attitude, he asks me to follow him and I do, we go to an abandon place, and he says something I cant make out(something like "I will make you pay" or something like that).  He attacks me doing some crazy kung fu like fighting, but I am no pushover and defeat him.  Sadly, I am not sure what happened next(its a bit hazzy).  I *Think*, he came back to his old self and we went to a wise old person who explained that people have good an evil in them.  *I know this part, and kind of interpreting/simplifying what I know from the dream* Goodness/positive is usually tied to our spirit and is carried with us when we die, the evil/dark parts of us is shed off and and left with the body(which is where its usually associated with).  For some reason, the world is shifting and the darkness/evil is starting to emerge and overtake the goodness in people.  To some, it looks like a split personality, but its the darkness within manifesting and suppressing the goodness.  People who have a lot of issues, stress, negative emotions or problems they are suppressing are more likely to be susceptible to the dark half taking over.  While those with a disciplined mine can keep themselves from being taken over.  If the darkness takes over too long, the part of themselves that is good will be devoured by the darkness.

So, after that, I get on a train and head back to home(not sure where home is), I end up meeting a girl (my age in dream) whom I know and is a friend/rival at where we go to school.    The first thing she does is attack me in a friendly fight.  I defeat her and we hang out for a while.  Its a bit fuzzy what happened next, but something happened where we ended up switched bodies during a sparring fight.  I am in her body and she is in mine.  Unfortunately, my dark half (still in my body) awakens then and suppresses her and fights me.  (my dark half in the dream is sadistic/psycho/ and really, really, really hates me) I nearly get beaten to a pulp, but the other me stops when he realizes that he is getting wounded when he attacks me and that I am somehow still linked to my body in some way.  So if he kills me, he dies also.  He is angry at this, but decides to back off for now.

So far, I am now stuck in a girls body, and decide the best course of action is to pretend I am her for the time being, since nobody would believe me if I told them what happened.  When I went to school, I had to suffer through classes designed for girls/ladies.  I remember this one moment where the teacher was saying "no! NO! NO!!  You will never be a good wife(bride?) if you do not act more feminine!", I think my dream self shuddered at the thought.  Later, after class I go to a party with some other students and mingle.  I run into a girl that apparently is friends with the girl I am inhabited(aparently the girl I am inhabiting is very popular, since everyone uses - sama at the end of her title).  She is with another friend who is dazed/zoned out and which I recognize the signs that she is about to be taken over by her dark self.  I follow her outside and she walks in the middle of a intersection.  I jump out to save her, at the same time some dude(who is standing near a motorcycle and a dog) jumps out to save her too.   we both get to her at the same time and she comes back to herself, relizing what she was doing.  She apologizes and walks off.  I walk over to the motorcycle and aparently interested in them.  It was very sleek and futuristic looking.  The dude walks over and said something like "you interested in bikes", I look at the motorcycle and say something very technical motorcycle oriented, which caught the guy off guard since he showed surprise that I would know something like that.  The dream jumps ahead and when I get home, I find a leter waiting for me.  In it, in writing, its from my dark self, it says something like, "I am almost free from you, I have taken 8 of the 12 *cant remember this part, I THINK it was statues* statues,  well, technically 7 since the 8th is being delivered, once I have all 12 I will be free.  I thought I would visit you, but decided to wait till I got all 12.  Will see you soon".  I instantly know that the 12 statues will seperate us if he collects them all, and if I don't stop him soon, my friends soul/spirit will be consumed by him and I will be trapped in this girls body (assuming he doesn't kill me first)./

Sadly, at this point my alarm went off and I woke up.

Many Worlds (oops, aparently this was stuck in draft and never posted, I humbly apologize.)

In this dream I was working in a assembly line(not sure what it was making), I chat with some friends and then step outside.  I am in a small city/town like area, above the factory is an advertisement for a watch that can travel to parallel worlds.  Its kind of fuzzy how I got the watch, but regardless, I get it.  Its got both, mechanical and digital display on it.  Slightly bigger than a regular watch, with buttons on the side.  The mechancial display is a regular watch as far as I can tell, but the digital display lets you know what universe you are in.  with a number that is for big jumps, and decimal numbers for fine tuning smaller jumps.  I start pressing the button and the world alters, not in a big way, but slight details, the billboard is different, people are dressed differently, personalities are slightly different, etc.   I am surprised so I start pressing the button again and again, the changes are mostly subtle with the occasional big change in between.  People would change styles and clothes, buildings would mostly just change color, but then everything would be gone and I would be standing on a untouched land, then I would find I am back in another city similiar to the one I started with but it could be grittier and cleaner.  It was a fun dream and I was sad I woke up.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Strange World

In the dream I had last night, it starts up with a scene of a woman (scientist? mother?) holding and walking a small girl by the hand on a dark twilight landscape heading to some unknown purpose.  I know the planet isn't earth, its somewhere/somewhen else.  It feels like its the future when humans have colonized other planets, the planet is rocky with a little vegetation and constantly in a dark twilight state(because of its slow rotation?), the technology/environment comes across as something between aliens and event horizon film, with clothing a little more like mass effect (the game).  Anyway, the dream jumps from the woman and child to a building that holds nobles that run the planet.  Someone(s)(no idea who), killed all the nobles and burned down the noble owned property (can't remember what it looked like, want to say a rich habitat/bubble building, but not sure), all except for one survivor.  A young noble male teen (not sure of age, somewhere between kid and teen, hard to tell), who is found by some soldiers.  I *think* I might be one of the soldiers, but I am not sure. 

The soldiers were sent to investigate the fire and found the noble.  The noble teen comes off as a high class citizen with good education, but with only a tad bit of spoil rich personality.  Overall, not a bad person to hang out with.  Anyway, the soldiers decide to take the teen with them till they figure out what to do with him.  (a quick note, the clothing is futuristic, the soldiers are wearing a black leather like one piece with a lot of pockets to hold stuff, while the noble is wearing a white one piece with fancy gold and buttons that scream he is rich and somebody).  It kind of gets hazy here on what happens next, but it jumps too the soldiers and noble investigating a lab where unethical experiments are taking place.

They find teens (again, unknown age, they are the same age as the noble, between kid and teen), in patient clothing (all white one-piece) behind a glass room(nobody else is around as far as I can remember).  They are hooked up to machines that are running a virtual reality simulation in fast motion.  The soldiers find some prototype machines in a room and someone relized that the machine accelerates time.  He sticks a packet of food (I think) in one of the machine and watches as it fills up with food in a minute (apparently its some kind of futuristic food growth product so food will always be available given time).  They figure out that the patients are living about one day per hour (not sure, kind of fuzy) and using the virtual worlds to educate them fast.  Then one of the soldiers find a log, and finds out that the teens are more than just accelerated growth people, they are also genetically engineered, combining them with other species of creatures, from earth animals to alien creatures that they can morph into a hybrid of great power when the need arises.  There is no listing what purpose any of this serves (just an experiment? creating hybrid soldiers? humanities replacement? something even worse?), but the soldiers decide to take the teens with them and add them to their growing group.

I can't remember when, but somewhere during this, the soldiers relized that the hybrid process only works on youthful people and needed a specific genetic characteristic to help with the search.  I don't know why, but the noble teen agreed to be altered to help out.  Anyway, we jump to another point where everybody is in a hub building where some of the habitants hang out to chill.  Some of the soldiers where getting pizza at the bar(?) while the patient teens(male and female, about 7 or 8 of them) and the noble teen were hanging out.  The noble teen decides to give the patients a proper noble education and is teaching them math, science, and history, which was the focus of the dream.  I can't remember exactly what he was saying, but I do remember it was quite fascinating, he was using fancy big words beautifully put together to describe the history of the planet, the noble houses, the history and wars that have taken place along with the conflicts between the nobles and the common man.  At this point the soldiers come in and tell the noble that they need his abilities for a mission.  Sadly, the only way to activate the metamorphosis(for the noble at least) is extremem emotions of fear and anger.  So the soldiers push him to the ground and start stomping him which activates the morph.  His head transforms into what looks like a pigs head, the soldiers open a grate and he moves as fast as the flash, he is in and out before the completly open the grate door.  The noble changes back and has a notebook with plans and designs for purposes unknown. 

Then my dream changes one last time.  The dream is focused on a window showing the planet receding(it is in a spaceship flying off into space), it starts pulling back to show the face and head of a woman/teen(she is looking out the window) who was the little girl at the beginning of the dream, as the dream pulls back, I can see that the body below her chest is that of an alien creture, it kind of looks like a dragon flies body(closest I can think of, it is very alien and hard to describe), for what purpose she is here and where she is going, sadly I cannot say.  I woke up at this time with a lot of questions about this dream.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A note about zombies in my dreams

I have had quite a few dreams featuring zombies.  This probably has to do with the fact I am a horror movie buff and love zombie movies.  I rarely get scared in dreams in which I am being chased by zombies(or other horror like elements), and actually have a bit of adrenaline rush when I wake up because its like living in a movie.  The dream usually fall into, I am being chased by zombies, the locations is different, once I was being chased by zombies in a city and I was running for my life, another time it was in a mall with some people and we had guns fighting them off, finally another where I am running in a alleyway and they were coming.  Regardless, it was a fun experiences (after I wake up of course), and wonder when I will dream of them again.

Zombies and a motorcycle

Not much to remember, I just remember that the world was overrun with zombies, I had left a city to find a motorcycle that belonged to one of the survivors that was hiding in a building in a city.  I can't remember why, but I ran into a barn (In a town some distance from the city) and found the motorcycle in the rafters.  I went into the rafters as zombies came in, and luckily avoided being captured.  I know I had a plan to escape the rafters, and somehow get back to the city, but I can't remember how I was going to do it.  Anyway, a short dream but I will take what I can get.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Military Base

Ok, I had this dream last night, but ran out of time before I could post it.  In this dream I was living somewhere in a small town in or near the desert.  Somehow, I discovered that there was a secret signal being transmitted through the tv cable or somewhere on the internet.  I am not sure which, but I was able to decode it with the help from my friends and jury rigging a xbox 360 to the computer/tv.  The picture showed a person on a security camera doing what appeared to be random tests.  Going from one machine or gadget to the next solving problems.  Me and my companions figured out were the signal originated and drove down the desert highway till we came to what looked like an abandoned military base. 

We entered the main building and found the man in the picture working on some machines.  He seemed surprised to see us and we asked him what he was doing here.  He told us that he came to the military base about 20 or 30 years ago with some other volunteers to do some experiments.  The people told them that they were to stay here and do some experiments on the machines lying around.  They would each be called one at a time to do one final test and then be set free.  The man said that each person was called one at a time until they reached him.  Then nobody called him and he has waited, doing experiments ever since.  After he told us this, we somehow(can't remember how), figured out that the final experiment was to see how long the man would stay before he would give up and leave.  I can't remember if we told him or not, but I remember that when me and my friends tried to leave, the military security system activated and the doors/windows closed down around us locking us in.  The man said that we were detected as new test subjects and that the defense system would not let us go until the test were over.  I can't remember much after that except I do know we escaped somehow at the end.