Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Strange World

In the dream I had last night, it starts up with a scene of a woman (scientist? mother?) holding and walking a small girl by the hand on a dark twilight landscape heading to some unknown purpose.  I know the planet isn't earth, its somewhere/somewhen else.  It feels like its the future when humans have colonized other planets, the planet is rocky with a little vegetation and constantly in a dark twilight state(because of its slow rotation?), the technology/environment comes across as something between aliens and event horizon film, with clothing a little more like mass effect (the game).  Anyway, the dream jumps from the woman and child to a building that holds nobles that run the planet.  Someone(s)(no idea who), killed all the nobles and burned down the noble owned property (can't remember what it looked like, want to say a rich habitat/bubble building, but not sure), all except for one survivor.  A young noble male teen (not sure of age, somewhere between kid and teen, hard to tell), who is found by some soldiers.  I *think* I might be one of the soldiers, but I am not sure. 

The soldiers were sent to investigate the fire and found the noble.  The noble teen comes off as a high class citizen with good education, but with only a tad bit of spoil rich personality.  Overall, not a bad person to hang out with.  Anyway, the soldiers decide to take the teen with them till they figure out what to do with him.  (a quick note, the clothing is futuristic, the soldiers are wearing a black leather like one piece with a lot of pockets to hold stuff, while the noble is wearing a white one piece with fancy gold and buttons that scream he is rich and somebody).  It kind of gets hazy here on what happens next, but it jumps too the soldiers and noble investigating a lab where unethical experiments are taking place.

They find teens (again, unknown age, they are the same age as the noble, between kid and teen), in patient clothing (all white one-piece) behind a glass room(nobody else is around as far as I can remember).  They are hooked up to machines that are running a virtual reality simulation in fast motion.  The soldiers find some prototype machines in a room and someone relized that the machine accelerates time.  He sticks a packet of food (I think) in one of the machine and watches as it fills up with food in a minute (apparently its some kind of futuristic food growth product so food will always be available given time).  They figure out that the patients are living about one day per hour (not sure, kind of fuzy) and using the virtual worlds to educate them fast.  Then one of the soldiers find a log, and finds out that the teens are more than just accelerated growth people, they are also genetically engineered, combining them with other species of creatures, from earth animals to alien creatures that they can morph into a hybrid of great power when the need arises.  There is no listing what purpose any of this serves (just an experiment? creating hybrid soldiers? humanities replacement? something even worse?), but the soldiers decide to take the teens with them and add them to their growing group.

I can't remember when, but somewhere during this, the soldiers relized that the hybrid process only works on youthful people and needed a specific genetic characteristic to help with the search.  I don't know why, but the noble teen agreed to be altered to help out.  Anyway, we jump to another point where everybody is in a hub building where some of the habitants hang out to chill.  Some of the soldiers where getting pizza at the bar(?) while the patient teens(male and female, about 7 or 8 of them) and the noble teen were hanging out.  The noble teen decides to give the patients a proper noble education and is teaching them math, science, and history, which was the focus of the dream.  I can't remember exactly what he was saying, but I do remember it was quite fascinating, he was using fancy big words beautifully put together to describe the history of the planet, the noble houses, the history and wars that have taken place along with the conflicts between the nobles and the common man.  At this point the soldiers come in and tell the noble that they need his abilities for a mission.  Sadly, the only way to activate the metamorphosis(for the noble at least) is extremem emotions of fear and anger.  So the soldiers push him to the ground and start stomping him which activates the morph.  His head transforms into what looks like a pigs head, the soldiers open a grate and he moves as fast as the flash, he is in and out before the completly open the grate door.  The noble changes back and has a notebook with plans and designs for purposes unknown. 

Then my dream changes one last time.  The dream is focused on a window showing the planet receding(it is in a spaceship flying off into space), it starts pulling back to show the face and head of a woman/teen(she is looking out the window) who was the little girl at the beginning of the dream, as the dream pulls back, I can see that the body below her chest is that of an alien creture, it kind of looks like a dragon flies body(closest I can think of, it is very alien and hard to describe), for what purpose she is here and where she is going, sadly I cannot say.  I woke up at this time with a lot of questions about this dream.